April 30, 2007

Another HP Swap

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1. What Hogwarts house have you been sorted into?

Cunning, Sly, Pure Evil and oh so Sexy!Slytherin!

2. List your three favorite double-point needle brands, including size and length.

KnitPicks DPNs, size 1
Lantern Moon DPNs size 1
KnitPicks DPN, size 2

3. Would you like to try a new brand needle? If so, which brand? Size? Length?

I’ve found that I prefer metal, so any new metal needles, size 1, 6 inches or shorter is cool

4. If you are a RAVENCLAW, do you prefer the colors in the film or the book? Do you have a strong preference?


5. If your pal decides to send candies or chocolates are there any that you don't like?

Nuts. Can’t stand them. And I prefer fruity, chewy candy over chocolate. I’m not really big on the chocolate. Except for SnowCaps. I have a special place in my heart for snowcaps.

6. What are your favorite scents?

Lavender. REAL lavender though, not the imitation stuff. Or clean cotton. I hate vanilla scents.

7. Do you have any allergies?

You mean besides work and cleaning? Nope.

1 comment:

zenobia said...



was in the neighbourhood...u shd drop in smtime too..tc