Being the comedic sort that I am, I couldn't resist penning a short limerick for the contest:
In England Queen Lizzie did rule
With a head that was steady and cool
The people cried "You must wed!"
She replied "I'd rather be dead!
For all men are drunkards and fools!"
So I signed up for the contest and what do you know... I won.

In a most solemn ceremony conducted by the Archbishop of Unreason, I was sworn in as the Queen of Fooles, with the duty of spreading good humor and merriment all the places I go. (See that silver cup the woman is holding? Yeah... I was splashed with water a few times for the Queen's amusement. It was a hot day, I was grateful.)

Of course with my crown came danger, for there are those that would assassinate even the Queen of Fooles.

For winning the contest I received a garland of flowers and a beautiful glass goblet with the Bristol Faire 20th anniversary seal on it. Woohoo!
Think that's something I should put on my resume?
Cashier - Osco Drug - 2000-2003
Scanning Coordinator - Osco Drug - 2003-2005
Receptionist - W.B. Olsin - 2005-2007
Queen of Fooles - Bristol Renaissance Faire - July 14-July 15 2007
Congrats! Cute outfit.
Congratulations! What great fun. I love the faire!
Where did you get that bodice? Did you make it yourself? Inquiring minds want to know!
I vote Queen of Fools! You look great!!!!
Holy heaving cleavage Batman!
Lets see...Queen of Fools...why am I not surprised.
Wheeee! SO COOL! And in a few years you'll be Dr Fool.
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