October 19, 2008

Midterm Slump

I really want to be excited and eager in regards to school and life in general. But I am exhausted.

The semester is moving along and projects are looming in the near future. Over the next few weeks I have 7 papers to write and two presentations to prepare for. I'm not enjoying 3 out of 5 classes, which makes things interesting.

I keep trying to bolster myself up. Fall is here, it's my favorite season. Unfortunately I haven't had the time to enjoy it. I know a big part of my problem is that I'm not managing my time wisely. I seem to make schedules for the sheer joy of ignoring them. I don't knit. I don't read. I don't write. I just... sit and stare and worry about classes and money and homework.

The thing that's bothering me is that life is not bad.

My roommates and I have reached an agreement, wherein we are all polite and they leave me the hell alone. It's not a cozy place, but the horribly unwelcome feeling is gone.

Last week I went to a Graduate School seminar and was thrilled to hear that all applications submitted that day would have the $35 application fee waived. So I am officially an applicant for the SIUE Graduate Program.

Last Thursday my dad was in town, so Dan, he and I all went out for dinner at a local casino. This was not the first time he'd met Dan, but it was the first time we'd been in an intimate atmosphere. I think that things went well and Dad seemed to like Dan, which is always good. Highlights of the evening include Dan sitting down at his very first slot machine and bidding 1 cent at a time until we showed him how the machine worked.

Dan and I are both insanely busy, but we're finding time to be together, even if it's just a few hours here or there. Next semester, when he's student teaching, will be much harder, but we're committed to making it work.

Class registration was last week and I got into the senior seminar that I wanted, which was essential to me graduating in May.

My yarn sale was very successful and I want to thank everyone who purchased something.

I found out that I've been on the Dean's List due to my good grades since last year, which will look GREAT on that Graduate application.

Dan and I are spending Thanksgiving with my family, including a hockey game and lots of leisure time.

I've been going to knitting night at a local yarn shop and I really enjoy spending time with the ladies there, they're all great. And they've made me feel very welcome into their group.

Things are good, I'm just... tired. I'm thinking I'll double up on my vitamins, add extra veggies and the occasional cookie.


Joshua said...

get some rest, and may good times continue :)

Chris said...

I was going to suggest hitting the vitamins! Particularly iron and B-12. I'm glad you've reached a balance point with your roommates, and I hope that you're able to get that schoolwork cranking.

Karen said...

Did I read May graduation? Did I hear Dan is doing student teaching this spring? Oh boy! Oh and grad school apps? Whoo Hoo!

I hope you can get some rest and knitting time in there somehow.

Take care.

mrspao said...

I know precisely how you feel. I still feel grim after being off ill last week. I'd definitely take some vitamins if I were you.

Batty said...

I know the midterm slump very well. Don't worry, you'll get better -- right after the inevitable "I'm going to drop out of school" feeling. It gets better from there.