December 29, 2006

No Jury Would Convict…

There’s a guy who comes into my work a lot. I like this guy. We flirt and he seems to like me too. Right before the Christmas holiday he dropped off some stuff at my work and he gave me a sweatshirt because he said he didn’t want me to think he didn’t like me anymore.

Then he asked me what I was doing for New Years. I said nothing and he left with a casual “Well… maybe I’ll give you a call next week.”

Fast forward to today. He calls and we chatted for a bit before he asks me “So, did you find plans for New Years yet?” I said no and all the sudden he’s all “Oh, well could I talk to so-and-so please?”

When my co-worker Mary heard this she became dissatisfied because she thinks we’d be perfect together.

So she called up his work, got his cell phone number and called him, pretending to be me, while I ate my lunch.

Woah, Deja Vu!

No jury would convict me if I killed her, right?

I’ll probably never hear from him again, that’s for certain.

(It was about 3 months from the last humiliation before he actually spoke to me again)


Chris said...

You must never tell this coworker about anything again!! Sheesh...

Diane said...

Mary sounds like she needs to live her own life and get the hell out of yours. "No officer, I don't know what happened. I was sitting here eatting lunch when all of a sudden I looked over and Mary had wrapped the phone cord around her neck 27 times and choked herself to death."

Anna-juniorknitwit said...

2nd that, diane...

The woman clearly has no concept of the word "tact"....or the word "appropriate"

Sheesh, indeed...

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I would go so far as to kill her, but you definitely need to speak to her about this issue. It sounds like a real problem. If you have to, go to her supervisor, but proceed with caution. She sounds like she could be vindictive too.
Also, could you call or e-mail the guy and explain that it was her and what a lunatic she is? That might patch things up a bit more quickly.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Kill her, I won't tell.