We've got about a foot of snow on the ground and another 5-8 inches expected by the end of the day. It's tapered off right now but when I was driving to work (at the massive speed of 24 miles an hour the whole way) it was snowing very heavily. I had to pull over and clean off my wipers 4 times. There are maybe 6 people in the office and our parking lot wasn't plowed so my car got stuck and everyone had to go outside and help rock me loose.

And this man is insane!
**said with fingers held out in front of me it the sign of a cross **** BACK! BACK evil snow! Stay in the midwest and do not I repeat DO NOT COME FURTHER EAST.
Wow. Cool picture, tho, even if he IS insane. Um, this must be the snow that totally missed us.....
You are so cruel, really, I thought you cared. Here I am in South Central PA with crappy 70 degree weather and no snow while you just hog it all out there in the mid-west. Please, please, I am beggin you, send some our way!
Oooh it's snowing - it's snowing - wow!!! (can you tell that we don't get a lot of snow over here?)
Squeals - snowball fights!!!
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