June 05, 2007


So Sunday night I was sitting in my papasan chair, nibbling on some Munchos and flipping through the channels, lazy as can be. I came upon this show that’s filmed inside an obesity clinic.

If you want something to make you get up off your lazy ass, put the chips away and move, watch one of those shows. These poor people can’t walk on their own, but they’re working to get themselves back into shape, while there I sit, eating chips and being a schlub.

So I got up, put the chips away, found my iPod and drove over to Lake Arlington. It’s 2 miles around the lake. I popped the headphones in and walked. I found a pretty good pace and make it around in about 25 minutes. I would have done another lap but it was starting to get dark, their were clouds coming in and I didn’t fancy getting stuck halfway around in the dark, in a downpour. I was very proud of myself for getting up and moving for a while. Best part was, after I was finished walking and got back into my car, I could feel my muscles twitching when I was still. My bum was doing the Charleston all the way home.

Yesterday, after work, I spent the drive home debating whether or not to stop again. I pass the lake every day, so it isn’t even out of my way. But it was raining. On and off, drizzling and pouring. But I stopped, pulled out an umbrella and set off. A quarter of the way around it stopped raining. Halfway around the clouds started to break up. By the time I was finish the weather was starting to look nasty again, but the important thing was that I go my walk in for the day.

I’m looking forward to my walk tonight. Care to join me?


Batty said...

Good for you! 2 miles isn't a killer workout, but if you do it every day or thereabouts, you'll get significant fitness benefits without sweating in the gym. I love walking, do 4 miles every morning, provided it isn't raining or thundering. And I believe that the iPod is a gift for people who otherwise hate to move, like me.

knittingnurse said...

Tee hee. Funny how much 'synchronicity' there is in the knitting world. I just came back in from a 2 mile bike ride to the grocery store with my son (1 mile each way). With the gas prices as high as they are and as STAGNANT as I've been lately, I thought it was best to ride up there.

Feels good afterwards, doesn't it?

Chris said...

Good for you!!

Some health stuff has me a bit derailed on the walking, alas.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Have you heard about Runagogo? http://www.runagogo.com/ It's a fun way to encourage ourselves into being active.

Diane said...

I was watching the same show ... minus the Munchos ... I felt guilty too so I did the only thing I could think of. I changed the channel.

mrspao said...

Sounds like the perfect thing to do!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would love to join you. Just let me close up shop here...I'll see you in a few hours.