January 10, 2008

A Finishing Machine!

Pattern: Irish Hiking Scarf
Yarn: Wool-Ease in Avocado (2 skeins)

Sorry for the crappiness of the photos... I took them at 10 last night after finishing it.
The top photo is closest to the real color.

It's a fairly decent walk from the bus stop to my apartment. And it's a fairly decent walk from one building to another on campus and I realized that I don't have a fancy scarf. All I've ever knit for myself are plain 2x2 ribs or garter stitch scarves. So on Christmas morning I cast this on. I knit 51 repeats of the pattern and it's over 5 feet long. The pattern was engaging enough to not get boring. In fact, I'm knitting a matching hat to keep my ears warm.


Chris said...

That knit up pretty fast! Nice.

Traceyleezle said...

Hot dang girl! Nice job, lovely color.

mrspao said...

That is a beautiful scarf :)

Batty said...

It looks great! And yes, you are a veritable finishing machine! Great job.