June 28, 2008

Yay Karma

So apparently I've got some wickedly good Karma going at the moment. It all started when I was at work the other day. I had pulled up the picture of Lil D all knit up and my boss asked me "Oh hey... I was cleaning out my parents' house and I found a huge cedar chest full of yarn. You wouldn't want any, would you? Otherwise I'm going to throw it all out.

Needless to say, I claimed the yarn.
5 boxes so far, with more to come, and "A huge bucket of needles and hooks too. About the size of a paint can."

That same day on campus the used book store in the library was outside with some books. $4.25 for all these books.

I finished knitting this beret a long time ago. I need to felt it a little, as it's fairly large. I have problems with my ribbing always stretching out and losing the bounce. Maybe I need to knit some elastic into my hats...

Continuing with the great deals, I found this gorgeous necklace in a local thrift store today for a whopping $2.

And this fantastic knitting book for 25 cents.

And, to top it all off, I've been searching everywhere for Jean Greenhowe's Knitted Toys book, on and off for the past year or so. I was perusing Amazon and I saw a used listing for $2.98. I was positive that it was a fluke, that it would be one of her shorter pamphlets, but even for one of those that's pretty cheap so I bought it figuring whatever I get, I get.


lookinout said...

Isn't it wonderful to have a day like this. Good for you!

mrspao said...

What a great haul :)

Chris said...

Wow! Definitely a time to store up memories to sustain you if the school year starts to get you down. Those swimming trunks scare me...

Batty said...

Wow, karma loves you!

Joshua said...

Nice, way to go!

Traceyleezle said...

Dang girl! Okay, send one of those days my way please. What kind of yarn are you finding in the boxes? Miss you btw...