August 23, 2005

Yarn yarn yarn yarn yarn yarn yarn yarn

So guess what this post is all about.

That's right! Sardines.

Just kidding.

I spent most of the day looking for a job but it only takes so long to fax your resume, so I also went digging through my yarn stash.

I let Kari, my sister, pick out any yarn she liked for a scarf for this winter. She chose a purple fur yarn and a pink, blue and purple varegated yarn. I told her that she had to draw a picture of the scarf, so I would have a pattern to follow. What she drew ended up looking something like this...

I think it'll end up looking very cute. But that's just me.

I also rummaged through my yarn and found a rather large amount of baby yarn, so I'm all set to start stitching up a storm for Casey's baby girl. I just need suggestions. I'm already working on a blanket. Any ideas???

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