Now I know most people say that two or three days in Vegas is more than enough but this trip isn’t about gambling and drinking and stuff like that. It’s about spending a week with a friend that I haven’t seen in years. Vegas is just a place for us to meet up together.

Continuing with the countdown theme there’s only 54 days until Hockey season. Oh yeah baby. October 7th is the first game. 7pm, Chicago Wolves vs the Peoria Rivermen. Let’s hope we start this new season with a win. I’m trying to figure out what sort of knitted project I want to make for this season. Last year was hats, I need to make myself a new one since I gave every one I made away, but I’m thinking I may make a small stuffed jersey or something like that. Maybe a checkered blanket with “LETS GO WOLVES” spelled out or something. Hehe maybe a knitted hockey stick and puck. How cute would that be?
Another count down. Remember back in April? When I joined a gym, gave up Pepsi and weighed in? Remember what the weight was? A whopping 178 pounds. Well I don’t own a scale and I haven’t been going to the gym because I’ve been biking outside, the gym is more for winter months, so I had no idea how much I weighed. Well I was over at Casey’s house and I weighed in on her scale.
Drumroll please… 163 pounds! I lost 15 pounds just by not sucking on Pepsi every day and doing a little (very little) physical activity. I did the happy dance all day.
And Sunday I got kissed on the cheek at the faire. *giggle*
Our system is down at work so even though I didn’t sleep well it doesn’t matter because I don’t have anything to do except relax and read blogs until things get going again.
Here’s to a great week!
Honeymoon in Vegas with Sarah Jessica Parker is always a feel-good movie for me, and there are tons of Vegas related tunes in there, including a bunch about Elvis or by Elvis, so check it out for inspiration before you go. I'm jealous, that's a big girl trip I haven't been able to make yet. Have fun!
I would love to go to Vegas. Never been, but I have been meaning to. Congrats on the weight, it is amazing what cutting a little sugar out of your diet will do.
I'll be in Vegas then too. We're taking my sister for her 30th birthday Sept. 14-17.
You might think about songs from all the headliners or singers associated with Vegas. Celine Dion, Tony Bennett, maybe Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Wayne Newton, etc. Maybe throw in some Babs and Tom Jones as well.\
Wow, you have a lot of fun things to look forward to!!
Hmm, anything Frank Sinatra screams Vegas to me. :)
How about the soundtrack to Viva Las Vegas, sung by Elvis Presley. Plus lots of artists have covered the song Viva Las Vegas - ZZ Top, Shawn Colvin, Bruce Springsteen...
1) Hey Baby Let's go to Vegas - Faith Hill
2) Viva Las Vegas - Elvis (no brainer!)
3) The theme song to the TV show Las Vegas (I love that!)
4) CSI theme (cause that makes me think of Vegas)
5) Leavin' Las Vegas-Cheryl Crow
6) The Gambler- Kenny Rogers (that was just a wild card there)
7) Gold Digger - Kanye West
Actually I have to agree about the theme to the show "Las Vegas"...it's another Elvis song with the same kind of fast-paced feel as "Viva Las Vegas".
The song is called "A Little Less Conversation"...
Love ya lots, hun, ttyl!
Elton John's Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting!
(at Caesar's)
It's newer and a rocker, but I love Dirty Vegas by INXS.
Probably not strictly Vegas but I like:
Money money money
Leavin Las Vegas - Sheryl Crow
The Chapel of Love - Dixie Cups or Beach Boys
Dancing Queen
I was going to mention you look like you have lost weight. Congrats.
Let's Go To Vegas - Faith Hill
It's country, but will promise a toe-tapping good time.
I found out about your contest on Chris' site. But I thought like it sounded like so much fun. If you type in "money songs" into google, it gives you a website with a lot of great ideas:
1. Money (That's what I want" by the Beatles
2. Material Girl by Madonna
3. Money Don't Mater 2 Night by Prince
4. She works Hard for the Money by Donna Summer
5. Money for Nothing by Dire Straights
6. Money by Tina Turner
7. Got your Money by Ol' Dirty Bastard (lol)
8. If I had $1,000,000 by Barenaked Ladies
9. We're in the Money by Al Dubin and Harry Warren
10. Money by Pink Floyd
I went with the $ theme for something different, but maybe it'll bring you luck too!
Thanks for the contest, what fun! And I hope you have a GREAT vacation!
Wow, that sounds like fun! We expect many many pictures!
Thanks for the compliments on my shrug! Have a great time in Vegas!
I found you via Chris & Chaos. Congrats on the weight loss!!!
If I were making a mix to take to vegas it would include:
1. Elvis is everywhere -Mojo Nixon
2. Luck be a lady- Sinatra
3. Plenty of money and you- Tony Bennet
4. Gimme some money- spinal tap/ the thamesmen
5. Money- the beatles
6. Paid for lovin- Love Jones
7. Tumbling dice- the rolling stones
8.Gamblin' Man - Bonnie Raitt
9. You and me and the bottle makes three- big bad voodoo daddy
10. Money (dollar bill y'all)-Coolio
11. Las Vegas Virgin - Sonia Dada
12. Go down Gamblin'- blood sweat and tears
13. Motorhead- Ace of spades
And my personal vegas favorite:
14. Big in Vegas- by buck owens and the buckaroos
I hope this list helps! My friends and I did a couple of vegas mixes last year when we went for a wedding but these are all the ones I can remember! :)
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