Again they had to have it checked out by Geek Squad. Thank the stars that it was a different person helping me. They were really nice and helpful. Maybe it had something to do with the hockey jersey and hat I was wearing.

Oh and there was a bitch of a fight in the last period yesterday! Boris Valabik on our team, he’s this beastly huge guy who has his own private seat in the penalty box, he’s in there so much. Anyways, he and this other guy on the Iowa Stars, #4, were pulled apart several times by the refs and I said “Just watch, they’ll go at it by the end of the game.”
And did they! The last 40 seconds or so they dropped gloves, sticks and helmets and went at it. And Valabik kicked his ass!! But it’s not a violent sport. Really.
Anyways, back to the laptop story. So I explained my problem to this guy and he actually listened and did all he could to help, including calling another guy over who was able to fix the problem! I was so happy that I didn’t have to set up another laptop.
Then as I was praising the help to the manager I hear the guy say, very loudly “God, how can you know about hard drive passwords and not know about mouse drivers? Dur!” I caught his eye, smiled and left. Apparently they didn’t want me to leave TOO happy.
Glad to hear that things are finally smoothing out with your laptop.
Really? Not violent? What's with all that padding then? I wish there were a hockey team closer to us. I used to watch an AHL team back home in NY, they stunk, but they were ours and it was fun.
I'm glad the laptop is working - but sheesh! No need to be snarky to the customer, dude. Because - we sort of expect the drivers to be up-to-date when we buy the damned thing...
Gah - geeks =no social skills. (I should know - I am one)
IT Guys are pathologically unable to resist just pushing it that one step too far!
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