I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions. I never stick to my guns. The second I tell myself that I absolutely cannot do something that’s all I want to do. So instead I’ve made a few optimistic changes and goals to meet this year:
1. Try different sock knitting methods
i.e. Magic loop, 2 circular needles, toe up
2. Learn double knitting
3. Try for at least 6 pairs of socks this year
4. One hour of reading a night

In other news, I’m heading out to Vegas again! I got a fantastic plane fare ($183 round trip!) so I’ll be flying out in February. I’m going alone this time. After the complete drama and chaos that happened on my last trip (bad choice of company, she wanted to stay in the hotel room for 8 days, I wanted to sightsee. We both got what we wanted in the end, but our friendship didn’t survive the aftermath.) I have absolutely no interest in trying to go with someone else right now. I’ll be meeting up with my grandparents down there and then we’re going to drive to California to visit my cousin and her little girls. These two girls are adorable! The 3 year old, TT, says some of the funniest things.
Case in point:
Neighbor: TT are you all ready for Santa to come?
TT: Nope
N: But you’re on the good girl list, aren’t you?
TT: Nope
N: Are you on the bad girl list?
TT: Nope
N: Well then what list are you on?
TT: I’m on the shit list!
I love it! I can’t wait to further corrupt them!
Oh, what a great getaway from the north country in February. TT is too funny!
Mwaahaahah! I've taught my year-old 'nephew' that sticking his tongue out at people is a good thing.
Corrupting OTHER people's children is great fun, I highly encourage it, in fact, make sure you get them some noisy battery operated toys whilst you visit.
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