December 03, 2007

Bloggish Potpurri

We are officially in the Week Before Finals. (Imagine the ominous music, streak of lightening across the stormy sky, ect.) Strangely, I am fairly stress free. I only have one big final and 3 small ones, all my big papers were due before Thanksgiving break and of the 4 finals coming up, only one of them will require dedicated studying.

Coming up, the 15th my mom and I are both meeting up halfway so that I can take Kari for a week. I figure that will give my parents a little alone time and it'll also give them a chance to get gift stuff all finished without having the kid hovering around, trying to sneak peeks.

D and I are in a friendly battle right now. He is a big Christmas nut. Apparently he's been counting down the minutes until Dec 1st so he could start playing holiday music. I, on the other hand, lean more towards the Grinch-ish attitude towards the holidays. I grumble and glare, make faces when I hear holiday music, but by the time the day actually gets here my heart's grown 3 sizes and I'm all eager to carve the roast beast. But my grinchiness is a good thing. Don't believe me?

Yeah, that'd be all my presents. Bought and wrapped.

I'm still working on a few knitting projects, including this guy:I should explain that D... is a nerd. And I love it. Because I'm a dork, so we're the perfect couple. And within the first few times talking he'd mentioned Monty Python oh... about 20 times. So I got it into my head to knit him the Black Knight, complete with detachable arms and legs. I'm making up the pattern as I go along and, while I know this is tempting the knitting gods to curse me, it's going so well that it's SCARY. I'm very excited and I can't wait to finish it just to see his reaction.

Inspired by my success making up one pattern, I decided to make up another:Ok, it's not that impressive really. Just the loose lattice lace stitch framed with seed stitch with some beads thrown in, but it's turning out nicely. I don't know who it's for or even if it'll be finished for the holidays, but it's nice to be working on something that isn't stockinette or garter stitch.

And here is my lovely $1 tree from Walmart:It actually ended up costing around $5, when you add lights and ornaments.

So how've you been?


Traceyleezle said...

Squeee! I love the black knight. Even bigger Squeee you are knitting something lacy in pink, are you sure it isnt' for me? Yay, I can't wait until Kari hits town, I love yer little sis. You guys make for the best blog posts.

mrspao said...

It's December! Christmas season at last :) Wow - I can't believe you have done all your shopping already!

I love the black knight - does he say niii?