December 20, 2007

No More Swaps for Me

No, it isn't because I had a bad experience. It's because I just don't have the time or the money to properly invest in them.

I signed up for the second Hogwarts Sock Swap before school started. I figured that I'd have loads of extra time. I would be able to finish the socks and make some extra goodies for my partner.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

I finished the socks, the socks that were due to my partner by Halloween, last week. Thankfully I had a wonderfully patient partner who understood my situation. I got my socks but kept them closed up tight. If she didn't have any socks, why should I?

Well now that they're mailed off to her I allowed myself to open up my package.
Aside from the wonderful socks, she also sent me Wendy Knits, two skeins of a beautiful celery colored merino, a hockey themed book mark, an issue of Seventeen from Singapore (the ads were so interesting!), a knitting kaleidescope and a package of blood-pops.

The socks, knit using the reptilian lace pattern from Knitty, fit perfectly! The beads she used were lovely. All in all, the socks are very Slytherin.

So a huge thanks to my eternally patient swap partner Chrissie. Your socks are on the way!


mrspao said...

How lovely! I know just how you feel - I don't seem to have any extra time now :(

Chris said...

What great socks! Hey, Chrissie was swap target person for dye-o-rama.

Diane said...

Great swap package. I think most partners are very understanding as long as you communicate with them.

Batty said...

I love your Slytherin socks! They're absolutely gorgeous. What a great swap partner.

I know what you mean about too little time, though. I decided not to sign up for this knitty SP round because I can't make it to the post office except on Saturdays and suddenly, the whole thing becomes a chore, not a pleasure. And that's just not fair.