January 31, 2008

500th Post!!!

Wow... 500 posts of me babbling about random things. I can't believe I've found that many things to talk about.

Well, in honor of my 500th post (not really, but shhh, we'll say it is) I have a whole bunch of pictures.

Action shots of D knitting!He's so proud of his "coaster" as he calls it. He cast off that night and began something new. You should hear him plot his projects out. He is truly one of us. And he's toying around with the idea of starting a blog!
He came over on Tuesday night to take care of me, I've been fighting a cold all week long. To cheer me up he brought this little guy with him:
Continuing with the D theme, I just finished this plain garter stitch scarf tonight for him. It's short and simple, strictly designed for warmth. It's quite a trek from the visitor parking lot to my apartment and whenever he gets there he is absolutely freezing.
It's really difficult to photograph the color. It's a heathered black and teal, very manly. Probably would have photographed better on a carpet that isn't black, but...ah well.

Some recent stash acquisitions include:Stahman's Shawls and Scarves, I won this one on e-Bay.
The Bumper Book of Knitting. I ordered this on December 12th and it JUST got here.
2 hanks of Creatively Dyed Yarn in Gras and King
A hank of Gypsy Girl Creations in Blackberry Bramble

And the WIPs right now:They're knitted olives. They're olives and they're knitted. I am in love with this pattern.

A hat to match my Irish Hiking Scarf

And my in-class knitting. Just a plain garter stitch corner to corner baby blanket. I started it last semester but it's moving much quicker now that I have 3 classes I can knit in, instead of just 1.

It's snowing here, we're expecting 6-10 inches. And the girls downstairs built a giant snow penis. I'll get a picture if possible.


mrspao said...

Super stuff - what neat knitting D produces :) I'll be looking forward to the blog soon then!

You've been a busy knitter - your projects look great.

Diane said...

Cool knitting. I can't believe D has fallen under the knitting spell. Probably has something to do with his knit Black Knight brainwashing him at night while he sleeps.

Chris said...

Congrats! And how sweet of D. :) I love the knitted olives!

Karen said...

Great parade of wip's and fo's. D is too cool for words but you know that. :-)

Batty said...

Fabulous! It looks like D is slowly coming over to the Dark Side. His coaster is even a square, not too wonky... great job.

I love the olives. Great little project.

Robin said...

Love the knitted olives! Is this your pattern??