March 14, 2008

Just What My Self-Esteem Needed

I'm cleaning the bathroom, being tidy and all domestic and I crouch down to get the glass cleaner.


Split my pants from ass to knee.

Pass the celery please...


Chris said...


Batty said...

It could be worse. It could have happened in public.

McNary & Company Realtors said...

I've done that twice... in public... And they weren't even tight jeans... Thank goodness alcohol was being served there!! hahahaha

mrspao said...

They look old and worn - no wonder they ripped!!

Traceyleezle said...

Hmmm, a certain Spongebob Squarepants song comes to mind.

Jennifer said...

Awww, at least you weren't in public. I once came home from doing inventory and found that the seam on my cheap Target pants had split right at the zipper, so people probably could have seen my underwear. To this day I still hope that this happened in the car on the way home from work, but you never know.