Summer classes are kicking my ass. 16 weeks worth of information in 5. It's just insane.
In my literary criticism class there is a guy. A really really really annoying guy. You've all met this type of guy before. The one who knows a little bit about EVERYTHING and talks as if he's studied that single thing all his life. The one who takes your comments and rephrases them using $10 words.
Yup, I have one of those guys in my class. And it's driving me nuts. I am a firm believer that with intelligence comes a certain amount of responsibility. Just because you know every answer doesn't mean you have to blurt it out. In fact, you shouldn't. Give others a chance to shine once in a while. But no, he's got to interject his 'wisdom' into every subject, sometimes cutting off the professor.
If he didn't keep cutting me off so that he could gift us all with his wisdom I'd probably think it was funny. He's 23 I believe and talks about how he lived in Hollywood, New York, Mexico, Europe, Maine, etc. Now I'm thinking army brat but he talks like he's some great world traveler and loves to reminisce about "my time in Hollywood".
But today. Oh my today was FANTASTIC! We were discussing Freud. Not my favorite guy. Very focused on male superiority and all of his theories tend to discount women as anything more than jealous creatures with penis envy. And I didn't hesitate to point this out in class to explain my annoyance. Then... oh then...
He cuts the professor off and proceeds to go into a speech about childbirth and childrearing and how evolution formed women as weaker because in all cultures women, when pregnant and afterwards, do nothing but lie in bed because they lack the strength to do anything else, that it was a universal truth, that that was why men were superior, because they were stronger and didn't have these periods of "innate weakness". Then caps his speech with "but, I mean, I'm a total feminist and I think that girls rule."
At least we're already halfway through the course. Only 2 and a half more weeks to deal with him. But I think I may need to stop bringing my knitting to class. It's too tempting. Plus I'm sure the blood would stain the bamboo.
I'm not sure I could've resisted pushing him down the stairs after class...
I work with someone like that. I have to make sure that there are no sharp objects available whenever I bump into him. He just thinks he knows about everything and drives me insane. I feel your pain.
Blood on your bamboos would be no different than if you knit with red yarn that was bleeding because it wasn't set correctly. I think you would be able to live with it quite nicely. In fact in 5 yrs I could just picture you pulling out your blood stained bamboos, smiling to yourself and thinking, "Now did I stab him 25? no it was 28 times. Oh my good old college days ......"
OK, why does every lit crit class have one of those guys? Seriously, there's been one like that in every single lit crit class I've ever taken. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this.
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